Are cracks and knots a flaw?
January 2023
We avoid cracks and knots in our wood If a product has such things, it is subject to claims. If you see a beautiful product in a showroom and find a split or knot in your purchase, you will be in an uproar. Many manufacturers fear this and use safe veneers or printed plywood. Even if they use beautiful solid materials, they don't want them to crack later, so they covered them with paint. Many products are injected with resin or compressed with great force to eliminate the characteristics of wood. As a result, it no longer needs to be wood.
Wood has been used a lot in Japan since ancient times, and (one of the main reasons for this was its familiarity) it was also expected to have other effects besides its physical properties. Wood has microscopic holes in it, which regulate humidity in the room. In Japan's humid climate, this characteristic must have been of great use.
According to our analysis, wood with more cracks and knots tended to have more releasing chemicals emitted from the wood. The cracks and knots are an outlet for the chemicals. It is important to note that the value of cracks and knots is very different from conventional ones when focusing on the chemicals of wood. And since knots are the traces of branches, it is also important to know that we are looking for branch-free wood.