October 2022
Until now, there have been no rules regarding the use of wood in housing. It has only been used for the balance of economy, design, and function, based on the idea that all wood is the same. However, joint research conducted with Kyushu University over the past several years has revealed that people respond to low concentrations of volatile components emitted from wood. We have also found that people do not react when the concentration of volatile components reaches a level where they can smell them. From there, we began to see that our new way of using wood was the right one. We believe that the essence lies in what we cannot see or feel, and that being aware of this essence will lead to the comfort of our homes.
We use German baubiologie as the basis for our thinking about housing. In other words, bioarchitecture. It systematizes how people can live comfortably from a biological viewpoint. The book was published in 1976, so almost half a century has passed. Understanding this, it seems that there is no need for other ideas in architecture. However, when it comes to the use of wood, there is something missing. FUSHI House is our attempt to create a unique architecture that complements this with modern science. Here, based on the construction of FUSHI HOUSE, we would like to introduce our concept of wood utilization (CURE FURNISHING™ ) together with the idea of baubiologie. (continue)
私たちが住まいを考える際の基本にしているのが、ドイツのバウビオロギーである。言い換えれば生物建築学。人がいかに快適に暮らすことができるかを生物学的に捉え体系化されている。書籍が1976年に出版されているので、半世紀近く経っていることになる。これを理解すると、建築に他の考えなどいらないと思える。しかし、木材の使い方に関して言えば足らない。それを現代ならではの科学で補完し、私たちならではの建築を作ろうと進めているのがFUSHI HOUSE である。ここでは FUSHI HOUSE の施工をもとに、私たちが考える木材活用(CURE FURNISHING™)をバウビオロギーの考え方とともに紹介していきたい。(続く)