


People restore their immunity while they sleep. Bedding is important, but it is also affected by the invisible air. That is why more and more people are paying attention to the space where they sleep.

眠る環境を整える Sleepwell 無塗装製品


Applications range from objects to furniture such as beds, and even to building materials for homes.





Recommended for

・People who do not like strong fragrances

・People who have trouble with aromas.

・Pet owners


The subtle scent is quickly acclimated and becomes undetectable to you, but Himekomatsu wood continues to give off its components. It is a natural scent for visitors.


Tips needed to sleep well

ペットにアロマは危険 | Dangers of Aroma to Pets

本当に睡眠に良い香りとは | What is really a good scent for sleep?

脳のリラックスは自覚できない | People are unaware of brain relaxation.

アロマでは眠れない!| For good sleep, you should not feel the fragrance.

酢酸ボルニルの睡眠改善効果(論文) | Sleep-improving effects of Bornyl acetate

ヒメコマツが持つ成分 | Components of Himekomatsu wood that are volatile

睡眠に良いヒメコマツとは | About Himekomatsu tree


Tips to stay healthy with wood and tools

身体に悪い木材もある | 天然乾燥の地域材が良いわけ | Some woods are bad for the human body

木は塗装しなくても良い | Do not paint on wood

日本古来の道具で仕上げる | About Yari-ganna finishing

山の質によって材質が決まる | The quality of the soil determines the quality of the wood

成分の揮発を持続させる方法 | How to sustain volatilization

木材を使ったら木を植える | Plant trees when you use wood

Special thanks

2019 crowdfunding special supporter / Kikumi Takano